Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Greetings from Napa Valley

We have bad luck with the weather - yet enjoying the wievs of beautiful Napa Valley. M&M

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Third trimester is here!

Today is week 27+0 and the beginning of the third trimester. The baby is now about 14.5 inches long and weighs about 2 pounds. Tomorrow we leave for St. Helena, California so I guess I better start packing.

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Week 26+0

Today is week 26+0 and I have gained 6 kg. So far this pregnancy seems ridiculously easy compared to what I had in mind. Let's hope it continues that way!

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

What's left?

Slowly but surely we are crossing off items on the baby shopping list. This is what's left:
  • Car Seat
  • Bouncer Seat
  • Baby Gym
  • Soft carrier
  • Changing Pad
  • Changing Cover
  • Diapers
  • Wipes
  • Washcloths
  • Diaper ointment / powder
  • Bibs
  • Breastpump
  • Bottles
  • Nursing bras
  • Breast pads
  • Newborn tub
  • Washcloths
  • Soaps & Lotions
  • Hooded towels
  • Crib Bumper
  • Baby nail clippers
  • Nasal aspirator
  • Rectal thermometer

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Presents from "Gammelmoster"

Click on pic to make it bigger.

Knitting from my mother


100 days to go!

This picture was taken December 17th 2009, the morning we found out I was pregnant. And today there are 100 more days to go.

Monday, May 10, 2010

Crib - Check!

I am so proud of myself! Instead of spending more than $200.00 on a new crib and mattress, I found a used one on Craigslist for $75.00 OBO. I offered him $50.00 and he accepted! That's what I call a bargain! The crib and mattress look new and once again I thank my IKEA genes for making it so fast and easy to put together.

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Inside is where its at today!

If it wasn't for the dog I wouldn't step outside the door today. Snowing again, and it is May 6th! I have to clean my house and wait for the plumber to come. We have three projects for him that need to get fixed. Other than that this is going to be a relaxing day with a movie and a book.

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Funny Surprise!

Today my friend Stephanie gave me these funny little onesies.

Monday, May 3, 2010


Just got home after taking Betty to the shop to get a new windshield. $225.00! Me and Rimini took a super long walk from the windshield place to one of Max's schools to get lunch. Spaghetti, which tasted wonderful after that hike. Then we went to the hot springs for an hour of relaxation. On the way home I stopped by the bicycle shop and got air for the tires to the stroller. Last stop was the grocery store and now I am going to make some dinner and watch the latest Wallander movie.

Sunday, May 2, 2010

Peace of mind

After reading horrible stories on the Internet about babies dying from Sudden Infant Death Syndrome I decided to purchase an Angelcare Movement and Sound Monitor. This Under-the-mattress Sensor Pad detects every movement the baby makes with an alarm that sounds after 20 seconds if absolutely no movement is detected. It also works as a regular sound monitor which I was going to buy anyhow. $46.00 on Ebay (for a brand new unit) instead of $100.00 at the store.

School's out for summer!

Yesterday was graduation and the last day at work. When the reception was over we went home and rested for a few hours before we went back to Steamboat again. We went to the health & rec center and relaxed in the hot springs for an hour. Our membership started yesterday and it was a perfect day to spend soaking in the springs - pretty cold and wet which turned into heavy snow later on. The pool I was in is not as hot as the other springs but just perfect for pregnant women.

Afterwards it was time to go and do prom at the high school. We weren't home until 3.30 in the morning so we slept in to 10.00 a.m. The weather is still unpleasant so we are staying inside cuddling up in front of a fire.