Monday, March 30, 2009

Why do my job?

The health inspector just informed us that our lovely (don’t-give-a-shit) boss has forgotten to renew his food operating license and that we are technically not allowed to stay open. Hmm,, I wonder if I have a job to go to tomorrow?

Otherwise, it’s just another Monday. Five weeks left of this semester and it is snowing heavily outside. Knee deep powder up on the mountain. That means an empty college cafeteria. I think I'll go on a little break and get some runs in myself.

Max shuffling the side of our house

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

That's technical stuff!

A few weeks ago I had the pleasure to help my wonderful Mexican coworker to order a laptop. Now I have the pleasure to teach him the basics in how to use it – including the Internet. Today we had our first lesson. He only wants to learn a couple of things each day so he won’t forget.

So today I started with teaching him how to turn the computer on and off (that’s the kind of level he is at!). However; when the session was over and his brain had had enough, he bursts out laughing and goes:”No Mas!” whereupon he shuts down the computer by hitting the ”on” button. I just love him to death!

Sunday, March 22, 2009

Born to ride?

This baby might be mine soon. Stay tuned...

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Prozac anyone?

After almost three days of sleeping it is time to go back to work tomorrow. Back to normality. Normality after a sunny relaxing vacation is very difficult to face. It is actually kind of depressing. They should start giving out Prozac at the arrival gates at airports. To people who have been on vacation and have to go back to work.

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

That’s what I get for not listening

The last day in Mexico I decided to get a massage. Very nice! Afterwards I was told to drink a lot of water to help flush out the toxins in my body. I drank a lot. Mostly Piña Coladas. Not so much water. Apparently all those toxins didn’t get flushed out. I am sick. Sick with fever. Achy. Cold and sweaty. Tired. Very sleepy.

Saturday, March 14, 2009

Until we meet again...

Did you know that the horizon in Mexico is crooked?

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Rain in Paradise

Yesterday afternoon Max finally arrived and what do we get? Rain. Hoping on better weather our last two days. Otherwise things are great!

Monday, March 9, 2009

It's kind of funny when...

you're on the beach surrounded by Mexicans, Americans, Swedes and Norwegians and you understand what they all are talking about.

Saturday, March 7, 2009

I heart America!

Not only have I become a caffeine addict, I've also become nearly obsessed by blogging. So I just had to bring my laptop with me and now I ’m at Denver airport waiting to board my plane that will take me to Houston, TX and thereafter to Cancun, MX. I was going through my recent posts here on the blog and realized I have been criticizing America a lot lately. So I just wanted to clarify – I love America! I think I'm always going to consider myself Swedish no matter if I get a U.S. citizenship or not but don’t get me wrong – I love this country and I love living here. Of course there are pluses and minuses with both countries but to break the pattern on my blog I wanted to list my three favorite things with America.

1. Diversity – all the religions, ethnicities, languages, food, landscapes etc. that you can think of

2. Action – this is where everything is happening (maybe not in Steamboat but you know what I mean)

3. The endless supply of everything

Oops! Time to board the plane,,

Thursday, March 5, 2009

So much for spring

Today it is snowing non-stop. Very depressing after a week of sun and warm temperatures. But soon I get to go home and pack my suitcase for Mexico. In only two days I'm on my way - leaving the snow behind me.

- And how do you want your steak Madam?
- Grainy.

Today my dear husband is making breakfast for the superintendant and their weekly meeting. He is cooking steak and eggs.
For breakfast.

His explanation is short and concise: "That's American!"
My answer is short and concise: "No wonder!” Whereupon I take another sip of my coffee and another spoonful of oatmeal. Regular oatmeal that is. Not the kind that has more sugar than oats.
The American kind.

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Sip - don't slurp! (and keep the pinkie out)

The super important and extremely humorless Campus Dean is having a tea party this afternoon. A tea party... Do they even have those in England nowadays?

Tuesday, March 3, 2009


During a whole week everybody at work (including me) has been sleep-walking, dragging our feet behind us, sighing and yawning. This, even though it has been warm and sunny. None of us could understand why we were so tired, almost exhausted.

Until now... We have been drinking decaf coffee! Or unleaded as they call it here. I have always thought it would make no difference. But now I know. I'm a caffeine addict.

Sunday, March 1, 2009

Som ett vårtecken...

spring is here!
and that I’m sure of
especially when looking in the mirror
at my red nose
sunburned after a day of skiing
winter wonderland has turned into spring wonderland
life is good
yes it is!