Not only have I become a caffeine addict, I've also become nearly obsessed by blogging. So I just had to bring my laptop with me and now I ’m at Denver airport waiting to board my plane that will take me to Houston, TX and thereafter to Cancun, MX. I was going through my recent posts here on the blog and realized I have been criticizing America a lot lately. So I just wanted to clarify – I love America! I think I'm always going to consider myself Swedish no matter if I get a U.S. citizenship or not but don’t get me wrong – I love this country and I love living here. Of course there are pluses and minuses with both countries but to break the pattern on my blog I wanted to list my three favorite things with America.
1. Diversity – all the religions, ethnicities, languages, food, landscapes etc. that you can think of
2. Action – this is where everything is happening (maybe not in Steamboat but you know what I mean)
3. The endless supply of everythingOops! Time to board the plane,,