It is the first day back from x-mas break at the college and the dining hall is packed with new, and potentially new, students. The very important (and extremely humorless) Campus Dean is in the middle of his educational welcome speech. Everybody has to be really quiet. Schhhhh...
But what is that? Hmmm, someone in a white chef coat (which by the way is embroidered "Executive Chef") is storming in, waiving, and he has a slight hysterical smile on his face. Confusion. Who is he waiving to? The Dean is no longer talking. No one is. That's why the voice that suddenly breaks the uncomfortably silence seems so loud. "Hi Everybody!!! Why aren't you up on the Mountain??!!" LAUGHTER! More confusion. The Dean, who no longer sounds so focused, continues talking to a slightly less concentrated (but also less nervous group).