Today I took down the x-mas tree. Got depressed. But then relieved. Started daydreaming about spring. Spring which is only about 4 months away. Outside it's snowing. Everywhere I look I see snow. But...
"When the dog bites When the bee stings When I'm feeling sad I simply remember my favorite things And then I don't feel so bad"
We been visiting a buffalo farm which is located 45 minutes from Steamboat. We went around on a sled helping with the feeding of the animals. It was great to see how well taken care of they are. I guess it is true what the owner said. They can leave whenever they feel like it so we better keep them happy. Buffaloes are really cool animals and we learned a bunch.
It has officially started. The break. The three and a half week long break. Feels absolutely wonderful!
I thought I was going to give you some updates on our x-mas tree. A few days ago a package arrived from Sweden. A Swedish "Julgransmatta"! And yesterday a cute ornament from Baltimore got delivered. Thanks to both the moms!!
I also noticed a little box underneath the tree which seems to have come out of nowhere. What can it be?!
Yesterday we went to listen to the Steamboat Springs Orchestra and their holiday concert. It was pretty good and afterwards we went to Cafe Diva and to their "Date Night" which was also pretty good. I am also feeling preety good about this Monday and have started the countdown to x-mas break!
Today I learned that alternators are used in modern automobiles to charge the battery and to power a car's electric system when the engine is running. I also believe I have found a decent mechanic who is able to perform the surgery on Betty.
I have been outside in the cold for over an hour and I am so cold it hurts! When Betty wouldn't start a couple of people tried to help jump start her but she just wouldn't have it. Just when I thought Betty's life was about to come to an end they told me about this one amazing car doctor. He was able to come to our rescue within a minute and he did a quick but convincing diagnosis on Betty. She needs a new alternator or she'll stay in this coma for the rest of her life. Since my wish is to keep her around for a little longer I am going to purchase the essential organ tomorrow.
A typical automotive alternator mounted in a spacious pickup truck engine bay. The alternator is at the center of the picture, driven by a belt and pulley.
Just got back from skiing. Blue sky, 40°F and not as icy as expected. In other words a very good start of the 2009/10 ski season. Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow!
P.S. Yesterday's Thanksgiving dinner party turned out really nice!
Went in to Steamboat to do some Thanksgiving baking. Tonight we are having Chocolate Souffle a la Max. I am very excited about that. He doesn't really like to bake but I hope he is going to start doing it more often. We are going to a dinner party tomorrow night and they asked us to make desert so Max is making coconut cream pie and miniature apple pies. Yum! I was making more cinnamon buns but with real compressed yeast this time which turned out way better!
Afterward we hiked Emerald Mountain. Enjoying our days off!
Today I am only going to work three hours. Then it's Thanksgiving Break! When that is over I am working two more weeks. Then it is Christmas Break! Love it!
This might not be a fun clip to watch if you don't speak Swedish but to explain the content of the video it is about television licence.
A television licence is an official licence required in many countries for the reception of television (and sometimes also radio) broadcasts. It is a form of tax to fund public broadcasting, thus allowing public broadcasters to transmit programmes without, or with only supplemental, funding from radio and television commercials.
The current licence fee in Sweden is 2076 kr (about $300.00) per annum. The fee pays for five TV channels, 45 radio channels as well as TV and Radio on the Internet. Source: Wikipedia
Some people pay the licence fee, some don't. In this video clip they were saying thank you to Lesli Myrthil, the basketball player, who payed the fee. It took place at NK, one of the most famous malls in central Stockholm.
Goodmorning friends! Half a foot of snow on the roads this morning so I decided to dump Ugly Betty for the Jeep and Max. Enjoying my coffee in Max's office meanwhile reading blogs and responding to some emails. Am about to start working on inputting December's menu on the website,
Ran out of energy and inspiration but started to miss blogging so now I am back. During my break from blogging life has pretty much gone on routine besides a trip to London which was absolutely wonderful.
I am simply going to start over and begin with today. We started our Sunday with going up to the National Forest to look for a potential X-mas tree and found one that we are going to come back for in a couple of weeks. This fall has gone by quickly and I can't believe it's almost December. Snow has fallen and melted several times during the last month and Wednesday is opening day for the ski mountain. Will write more later.
P.S. Mom I want a Swedish Julgransmatta, do u have one to spare? :)
It has become my turn to get sick. Sore throat and a drippy nose for a few days now but so far so good and no fever. Expecting to get back to dry land shortly. Until then I rely on cough drops and "Super Plus" tampons.
As a result of my hours being cut at work I now have Mondays off. I was determined to find a part time job to try minimize the money gap. However; after my first experience with not working this Monday I'm not so sure anymore. Because today has been kind of wonderful. I started off the day with some chores in town. Got new snow tires and plates for my car. The rest of the day has been spent in the warmth inside. It has been snowing most of the day so it is really nice to cuddle up in the couch with the dogs and a good book. We'll see what happens...
It's the last day of September and I got out of work early today. Tomorrow I have to order my snow tires because it's beginning to look a lot like Christmas out there. This is how it looked like when I came home today.It keeps coming down so I just made a fire.Have to call Max and see if we can have some wine when he gets home. Even though it's a school night :)
Guess who got the flu after being vaccinated against it for the first time in his life? Or could it be the swine flu? I bet it is the swine flu!I am hanging out with the dogs, baking Swedish cinnamon buns, and watching "Barnen i Bullerbyn". Wishing I could have my fam over for a "Fika"...Speaking about "Barnen i Bullerbyn", here is my favorite clip from it.
September 2009 is not going to go to the history as one of the better months in my life. Yesterday was yet another fall back. Also this one a financial one. The company that I work for will no longer let anyone work more than 40 hours a week. For me that means a pay cut of more than $850 a month. That hurts! I felt so sorry for myself and broke down in tears of frustration in front of my dear boss. It didn't do any good. Just gotta suck it up! Hope for better times...
I have taken a long pause from blogging due to all kinds of stress that has been in my life the last couple of weeks. Worrying about my precious baby boy has been the hardest and most stressful. However, I am glad to announce that he is now almost fully recovered.
The same day as surgery was going to take place they found out that all the pain and limping was simply a result of an infection. Now we are waiting to find out what kind of infection it is and he is on antibiotics. But the limping is almost gone and today he went on his first hike in a long time. It is such a relief! Nevertheless it cost $1.500 to find out it was only an infection.
Work has been busy and a little stressful and so was the breakdown of my laptop and car. I had to get a new hard drive for my computer and a new thermostat for my car.
I've simply had tons of expenses recently and it doesn't seem like they are going to end anytime soon. But shit happens and everything costs money. It just sucks when everything happens at once :)
Today we took a well deserved break from all of that and went for a nice fall hike in the morning. Then we had lunch at an Indian restaurant and went to see Julie & Julia. What a good movie! Tomorrow a new week starts. Hopefully it is going to be a less stressful one...
"You are the butter to my bread and the breath to my life." Julia Child
Yesterday was the day my hard drive blew up and the day we found out that Rimini needs surgery, possibly on two legs. With other words - a really shitty day!
It is the first (and only) day off work after a hectic week "at the office". So the only task on the schedule today is resting and gather energy for another week.
Yesterday we went to a health fare. We were given the flu vaccine and got our blood tested. My arm is still aching from the shot but at least everything looked good! Once at work we received a phone call from a neighbor saying our precious princess had escaped and was hanging out at the nursery/burrito kiosk (yes, we have one of those in our town!). So I had to get into the car and drive all the way back to Oak Creek to get her. That little bugger!
The day ended nicely with a dinner party in this gorgeous log home not far from ours.
Today this lady walked into the cafeteria, asking for someone named Camilla. That's me! I said. She was Swedish and had heard about me being Swedish as well.
Then we talked for a bit which was a lot of fun! Mainly because she was saying every other word in English. I got confused and started to mix Swedish and English as well.
Then this kid came in and asked what was for lunch whereupon I answered "Köttfärslimpa!"
I have a feeling this blog is going to be very monotonous for the next three months. I have dedicated myself to a place called Colorado Mountain College. And I will continue to do so. Until Thanksgiving do us part.
Yesterday they came. My clothes that is. They didn't fit. They were too big. I am not a size 6. I am a size 4. The sizing guide was incorrect. I had a minor breakdown. Afterward I stuffed it all back into the box and went to send it back again. Wasted some more money on postage. I also promised myself I'll never buy clothes online again. A promise I know I won't keep.
This morning's boredom in power outage at the house resulted in Max buying a BB gun from Walmart. It was my first time shooting on of those and I loved it. So much more fun compared to shooting regular guns! No kick backs, earaches, or risks of killing dear family members (especially father in laws). 4 out of 4 using the first four bullets in the gun. Pretty impressing if I can so myself! I am now known as the "Sniper-Wife" :)
Yesterday we took our baby boy to the vet since he has been limping on one of his front legs a few days. We found out that he has arthritis in his elbows and were given anti inflammatory medicine. I also went online and ordered a bunch of glucosamine supplements that we are going to start giving both the dogs. The reviews on those are great so I have high hopes that my precious boy is going to be back to normal very soon again.
Today was the day we bought our 2009/10 ski passes. $700.00 poorer but very excited. Excited for those 15 days I'll get to spend on the mountain this winter.
I ordered clothes online that most likely not going to fit me right. Not if you consider the statistics. I have spent so much money on unnecessary postage because I ordered clothes that are either too small or too big. But what do you do when you live in the middle of nowhere, where your choices of clothing materials are either fleeze or gortex?
This time I studied the sizing guide and I measured carefully. According to their numbers I am a size 6. We'll see next week when the clothes get here. Cross your fingers!
I'm in the same mood as Louis today! Everything is wonderful,, starting to think that those mushrooms I ate for lunch today weren't just regular mushrooms :)
I am constantly trying new things! Today I tried how it felt to go into the grocery store, withdraw $20.00 at the self-checkout, and then forget to take the damn money. I left the store, happily as ever, and didn't realize what I'd done until many hours later. I get so tired of myself and my forgetfulness.
Today I have done something I've never done before. I have purchased my first very own vehicle and I have developed negotiation skills I didn't think I had in me. It is definitely not a pretty car. But...
- It's a clean 2001 Ford Focus (which is a very fuel efficient car) - It has gone less than 49.000 miles - I got it for $4.500! (which means I won't have any car payments) - The car insurance is only $39.00/month
Now I am only going to pray it won't break on me. Ugly Betty from the front
Today was the third and last morning when we had to wake up at 4.30 a.m. After work we went to the Steamboat Springs Wine Festival. It has become a yearly event that we go to and this year it was our third time.
But before the festivities started we decided to go check on our old apartment that is nearby and was ours for two years. Unfortunately we were forced to move out when the owner decided he was going to tear down the building. We loved that place and it was so strange to return to it. The building is still there but it is completely empty. We went inside through the back door and saw that all the doors inside were wide open including the door to our old apartment. So we went inside and it was very sad because everything was so familiar, even the trash that was in the bin was the last of our trash that we threw away before moving out. The carpet was full of Chania's and Rimini's hair and the wood that we left by the fire place was still there. I love our house, but I absolutely adored our old place. Ski in - ski out, close to bars and restaurants, but still very private.
Enough of this sentimentality; however, I miss it. I miss it a lot.
Tomorrow morning we will take off for our last vacation this summer. Monday I will start working after 2½ months in freedom. So we decided to go to Park City, UT for the Food and Wine Classics that starts tomorrow through Sunday. We will also meet up with Max's sister who is there for a conference. I am bringing my laptop and hoping to get time for some blogging. Bye for now from an extremely hot Steamboat Springs.
M: Hey baby, you might wanna go on eBay later.. C: For what?! (I'm sleeping, do not disturb!) M: To buy a new cellphone C: Why?!! (I already have one, bought a new one earlier this month, remember?) M: Cause you left yours outside all night in heavy rain and hail C: F..k!
(To all of you who might be trying to call me - don't!)
My brain is set on "vacation mode" why I haven't been blogging for a few days. I guess it is normal after being off work for over two months now. Something else that might happen as a result of long and lazy summer days with lots of ice cream and American BBQ is a slight weight gain.
The other day we were shopping for new biking clothes and I tried on a pair of the traditional bicycle tights. As most women, I spent some time analyzing whether the tights looked good from behind or not. I decided to get some positive confirmation from my dear husband why I fired off the classic line: "My butt looks big in these!"
Every man on earth should know that when something like that is being said, they should NOT agree but instead say something like: "No honey, your butt looks absolutely perfect. Not big at all!"
My man did not know. Or if he knew, he had some kind of loss of memory in that very moment. Because his answer was fast, short, and concise: "That's because they are padded!"
Today some dear friends of ours came over and made us a new patio. It took 4.400 lb of concrete. Lucky me I didn't have to help carry those bags. The result is great and we are super happy with thier work. Now we are going to find some nice patio stone for the the small part we decided not to put concrete on and then we can fire up the grill and let the party start.
30 years old. Swedish citizen. Living in Steamboat Springs, Colorado with my husband Max, our son Loke, and Oden the Rottweiler. U.S. resident since 2005.