If it wasn't for me we would never have any furniture. We would have plenty of stuff, mostly Max's, but nowhere to put it. And since I am about to brag anyhow, I might as well add that if it wasn't for my carpenter skills, we would still not have any furniture or nowhere to put Max's stuff. I don't know if Swedish people automatically inherit the IKEA gene or what it is, but when I get boxes containing pieces of wood, screws, nails and a guide how to put it together I get excited. I like puzzles too. I find it extremely satisfying when all these little pieces, which from the beginning only seemed like a pile of unknown parts, end up in one complete unit. This particular desk even exceeded my expectations. I found it by coincidence at
http://www.officedepot.com, and after 10% off and free delivery I got it for only $142.00. Moreover; the quality is great, sturdy and solid. Sitting here typing makes me feel like writing a book. I want to write a book and make as much money as J. K. Rowling. Hmm, better get on it…